Lisa Christine Irumba

Research and Information Manager

Lisa Christine Irumba is the Research and Information Manager at PCAU. She is responsible for coordinating PCAU’s advocacy and awareness activities and works with the team at PCAU to establish their research agenda. She ensures that PCAU is the hub for hospice and palliative care-related information in Uganda. She is responsible for the regular dissemination of information to stakeholders to improve palliative care services in the country.

Before accepting her current position, Lisa consulted for PCAU for a year. She is a palliative care clinician with 10 years of experience in teaching, coordinating, and advocacy skills.

Lisa believes in equity and social justice for all, especially in health care. Her wish is that all patients in need of palliative care can receive it. In her role at PCAU, Lisa can meet with many of the palliative care practitioners around the country. She always enjoys hearing about their work and how they are serving their communities. These discussions enable her to creatively think of innovative ways to better serve people.


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