Mid-Year Outlook by PCAU Staff

“As we get into the 2nd part of 2024, I am delighted that our work, presented at the 12th Annual Symposium on Global Cancer Research has been selected for publication in the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s JCO Global Oncology. The abstract was titled: “A Collaborative Partnership between the Palliative Care Association of Uganda and the Uganda Cancer Institute to Strengthen Cancer Control, Survivorship, and Outcomes through Research.” Lisa Christine Irumba – Research and Information Manager – PCAU

I am thrilled that we enrolled 25 new child caregivers in the Road to Hope program in the first part of 2024. With additional funding for the program, we can support and empower more children who are shouldering the caregiving role to realize their full life potential”. Anita Balikobaku – Program Officer Road to Hope Program

I feel pleased that we have accomplished the PCAU Cares app which is so handy with updates, educational content, and service providers directory. This APP will contribute greatly to access to accurate information for patients, caregivers, and the public in Uganda” Cynthia Kabagambe – Research and M&E Officer

I am grateful to have supported the implementation of the Pain-Free Hospital Initiative (PFHI) in 2 hospitals. Implementation at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital has been so smooth. Over 60 hospital staff have completed the training so far. These sessions have been important in improving the skills of health workers in both the assessment and management of pain for their patients”. Dr. Angella Namatovu –Capacity Building Officer

“I am grateful that we accomplished all financial statutory obligations including the external audit for the financial year 2023 in time. We were able to account smartly to PCAU Members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and to all our stakeholders seamlessly” Ritah Nannyomo – Finance Officer

I am extremely glad that PCAU obtained a new NGO Permit of Operation by the government of Uganda after the expiry of the old one at the beginning of this year. The process to renew the permit is so rigorous. We made it and got our   new operations permit from the renewed operational permit on time for the next 60 months” Zipporah Kyomuhangi – Administrative Assistant

I am so grateful that PCAU had a successful blood donation campaign. In partnership with Mengo Hospital Blood Bank. We collected 63 units of blood. Fiona Siima – Membership and Partnership Officer

“I am glad that PCAU has achieved recognition by the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council to become a CPD Credit provider for Nurses and Midwives attending Palliative Care CMEs and short course training Joyce Zalwango – Capacity Building Manager


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