Hospice Africa Uganda

Hospice Africa Uganda was founded in 1993 with a vision of “Palliative Care for all in need in Africa”. We have three Hospice sites; Hospice Kampala, Mobile Hospice Mbarara in Mbarara City, and Little Hospice Hoima in Hoima Oil City, and for the last 30 years, we have provided Palliative care services to over 37,000 patients.

HAU operates various models of Palliative care including care at the out-patients departments at all its 3 sites, home-based care for those whose health is deteriorating, are at the end of life or suffering severe disability disease or weakness, daycare where patients receive medical reviews along psychosocial and spiritual care while their family caregivers have an opportunity for respite care as well as outreach clinics at designated service points.  

Besides striving to uphold excellent clinical Palliative Care standards HAU also provides quality education, through the Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care in Africa (IHPCA) and advocacy activities through our International Programme, to promote palliative care availability and accessibility to all patients throughout Uganda and Africa.

HAU produces Oral liquid Morphine for the whole of Uganda through a Private-Public partnership with the Government of Uganda through the National Medical Stores (NMS)

EDUCATION or TRAINING: Through the Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care in Africa (IHPCA)

The Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care in Africa (IHPCA) offers a comprehensive educational and training experience. Established with accreditation from Uganda’s National Council for Higher Education and affiliated with Makerere University since 2003, IHPCA boasts a research and ethics committee accredited by the National Science and Technology Council. Since 2004, over 615 students have graduated from their programs, including the recent milestone in January 2024 of the first graduating cohort of 15 students with a Master of Science degree in Palliative Care – a first in Sub-Saharan Africa. The institute offers a variety of programs, including diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, postgraduate diplomas, and short courses, all focused on palliative care education.

Students with HAU founder Prof. Dr. Anne Merriman (middle) at the recent graduation

The partnership with PCAU has contributed to improving service delivery through the continued support of scholarships to students at IHPCA, support to our core patient care activities and advocacy.

We extend our congratulations to PCAU for reaching this significant 25-year milestone! PCAU on achieving this 25-year milestone!


PCAU Newsletter



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