The partnership with Center for Hospice Care (CHC) in Indiana USA happened in 2008, through the African Palliative care Association (APCA) and Foundation for Hospices in SubSahara Africa (FHSSA), which has since become Global Partners in Care. The partnership has contributed greatly to the birth and sustainability of various initiatives ...

The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. The American Cancer Society has continued to support our work and the development of palliative care in Uganda through different programs like the Pain-Free Hospital Initiative, ACS also supporter of ...

OSIEA plays an active role in encouraging open, informed dialogue on issues of importance in Eastern Africa. Through a combination of grant-making, advocacy, and convening power, OSIEA can support and amplify the voices of pro-democracy organizations and individuals in the region and strengthen their capacity to hold their governments accountable ...

Driven by a profound desire to reduce unnecessary pain and suffering from life-limiting illnesses across Africa, the African Palliative Care Association (APCA) was formally founded in Tanzania in 2004. APCA works collaboratively with existing and potential providers of palliative care services to help expand service provision. APCA also works with ...

PCAU supports the work of MOH that is in line with its strategic objectives. PCAU Works with the ministry to formulate policies and guidelines to enhance the scale-up of palliative care service provision and integration in the health care system. PCAU coordinates the Country Palliative Care team meetings which are ...

In August 2017, PCAU worked with the Uganda Cancer Institute to hold a memorable conference which was called the UCI-PCAU Joint International Conference on Cancer and Palliative Care. The Theme of the Conference was: United against Cancer. The great partnership and lessons learned from this conference resulted in the agreement ...

The Palliative Care Association of Uganda (PCAU) is working in partnership with the Uganda National Association of the Deaf (UNAD) to advocate for improved access to palliative care for the deaf in Uganda. As part of this partnership, UNAD, PCAU, and other stakeholders developed a Deaf Awareness Module (DAM) for ...

PCAU partnered with Mulago School of Nursing and Midwifery together with the Ministry of Education and Sports to work on a curriculum for a diploma in palliative care nursing curriculum which was finalized and published. As the result, PCAU sponsored training of tutors/mentors of Mulago nursing school for a period ...

PCAU is working with UGANET to foster Social Justice for Palliative Care Patients in need in Uganda. PCAU has continued to partner with Uganda Network on Law, Ethics and HIV/AIDs (UGANET) to promote palliative care as a human right. This has been done through sensitization on Palliative Care for lecturers ...