The Impact of Your Support on Our Brave Cancer Warriors

With gratitude, we are thrilled to share the latest updates from the Shine Child Program. As we traverse the journey of delivering care and hope to children battling cancer and their families, your support has been the light that guides us.

The Shine Child Program continues to make significant strides to improve the lives of these young warriors and their families because of the kindness of our individuals like you. Your donations have enabled us to provide support to 16 children and their families by covering their transport to the Uganda Cancer Institute, investigations, and nutritional needs during their medical visits this year. However, amidst our progress, we also share moments of sadness as we mourn the loss of two of our brave warriors. Their memories serve as poignant reminders of the urgency and significance of our project. May their souls rest in eternal peace, and may their courage inspire us to redouble our efforts in
helping those in need.

As we celebrate the lives of our little warriors, we look toward the future with
determination. Several caregivers have reported improved quality of life and return to activities of daily living like playing, schooling, bathing, showering, bowel and bladder management, eating, and functional mobility. This is attributed to better adherence to cancer care and treatment. With this reduction in treatment abandonment, we aim to expand the project to the Gulu district. This expansion will broaden our support network, reaching more children and families in need of care and compassion. 

However, our journey forward relies heavily on your continued generosity and support. Your contributions, regardless of size, hold the power to transform lives, offering hope and healing to those who need it. 

We invite you to join us in this noble cause and make a difference in the lives of our brave cancer warriors. Your support will enable us to continue providing vital assistance and expanding our reach to serve even more children and families.

Thank you for standing alongside us. Together, let us shine brighter and illuminate the path toward a brighter, healthier future for all.

Donate funds by clicking the link below or scanning the code below
OR Use MoMoPay with the code- 315849 OR Mobile Money 0789737786.

You can also donate items like toys, bedding, clothes by reaching out to Angella Namatovu by email: or telephone 0779590403 OR or 0392080713


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