The Morphine Supply Chain in Uganda

PCAU coordinates the oversight of the morphine supply chain which is implemented by the Ministry of Health, Hospice Africa Uganda, National Medical Stores, and Joint Medical Stores as well as palliative care service providers.
Bimonthly, PCAU brings together key partners for a Morphine partners meeting to monitor and follow the efficiency of the supply chain as well as discuss the gaps and successes related to how access to oral morphine can be expanded at lower-level health facilities including district hospitals. Some of the partners include Hospice Africa Uganda (HAU), Ministry of Health (MOH), National Medical Stores (NMS), National Drug Authority (NDA), Joint Medical Stores (JMS), and large consumers such as Uganda Cancer Institute and Mulago National Referral Hospital among others.
PCAU provides support supervision for orders and distribution to public, private not-for-profit hospitals and hospices as well as the mentoring of health workers in pain assessment and management.
Access to oral morphine is steadily expanding to lower-level health facilities and this has helped patients in needless pain to have access. Now districts believe that morphine is available and they keenly follow up their orders from NMS and JMS often with assistance from PCAU.
However, there is more work that needs to be done to ensure that all in need access this medication.


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