All Posts by PCAU

Road to hope

The Road to Hope Program supports child caregivers from financially poor backgrounds to access basic needs for their families and continue with education while caring for their chronically ill parents. The Palliative Care Association of Uganda (PCAU) in partnership with the Center for Hospice Care (CHC) in Indiana USA under

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Palliative Care Services for the Deaf

The Palliative Care Association of Uganda (PCAU) is working with the Uganda National Association of the Deaf (UNAD) to advocate for improved access to palliative care services for the deaf. There exists a communication gap between the deaf and most health workers who cannot use sign language. PCAU initiated the

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National Palliative Care Policy

PCAU has been advocation for the passing of the National Palliative Care Policy. The policy will provide standards, policies, and procedures as far as palliative care services in Uganda is concerned. The Ministry of Health initiated a process to develop a national palliative care policy to provide a framework for

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Human Rights and Palliative Care Services

PCAU established a partnership with the Uganda Network on Law Ethics and HIV/AIDS (UGANET) with Support from the African Palliative Care Association (APCA), OSIEA, and OSF to promote palliative care as a Human Right. PCAU coordinates training for paralegals who are then attached to palliative care sites to offer legal

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Quarterly National Update Meetings

PCAU conducts quarterly update meetings for its members mainly for continuous sharing of information about what’s happening in different districts and various health facilities. Members share progress, and challenges, and draw a way forward to improving the implementation of palliative care in health facilities.

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Mentorship and Support Supervision

In partnership with the Ministry of Health, PCAU conducts periodic and on schedule visits to districts for mentorship and support supervision for the palliative care providers. These visits are usually intended to address the knowledge, skills, and attitude needs, for continued quality improvement of palliative care services. During these visits,

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Empowering Tutors to Teach Palliative Care in Nursing Institutions

PCAU trains nursing tutors and enhances their competencies in teaching palliative care in the higher institutions of learning. The trainings are coordinated by PCAU conducted by a team of experienced facilitators with collaboration from the Mulago School of nursing and the Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care.

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Pain-Free Hospital Initiative

PCAU implements the Pain-Free Hospital Initiative in partnership with the Ministry of Health with support from the American Cancer Society. Since 2016, 17 hospitals have been initiated into the program. The pain usually remains undertreated and some of the barriers to appropriately address pain management include subjectivity of pain, lack

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African Palliative Care Association

Driven by a profound desire to reduce unnecessary pain and suffering from life-limiting illnesses across Africa, the African Palliative Care Association (APCA) was formally founded in Tanzania in 2004.  APCA works collaboratively with existing and potential providers of palliative care services to help expand service provision. APCA also works with

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